Why You Need Solar Filters for the Eclipse

Why You Need Solar Filters for the Eclipse


Most people know they should never look at the sun with unprotected eyes. While this holds true any time, it is even more important when there will be a solar eclipse because the rays become more focused during the event. With a major solar eclipse on the horizon for the Americas, it is time to start looking at solar filters to help you view the event.

Protect Your Eyes

Have you ever looked around on a particularly bright day and struggled to see without squinting? This is because of the difficulty your eyes have with processing large amounts of light. The same is true when you look directly at the sun. This can be intensified in the presence of an eclipse.

View an Amazing Event

A total solar eclipse is an amazing sight to behold. You can invest in affordable solar filters that allow you to take in your view of the eclipse without the threat of harming your vision. A full solar eclipse is a rare event and it is not something you should allow yourself to miss.

The American solar eclipse will occur on August 21, 2017, so it is important to act quickly to determine which solution you want to use to view it. Whether you choose eclipse glasses or some other form of solar filters, you will gain the benefit of being able to view this majestic event without any risk to your vision.

If you are looking for solar filters for your eclipse viewing, contact us. We carry a variety of solutions designed to protect your eyes.

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  • Jason Lewin